"The boundary lies have fallen for me in pleasant places." Psalm 16:6 This is a verse that I have gone back to over and over the for the past 2 years. It has comforted me many times when life didn't seem so pleasant. This week I see the pleasant place the Lord has brought me to, sometimes I remind myself of that verse in faith only. This past weekend Tyler and Mindy came to visit. This was the first time for them to see Violet and their first visit since they became engaged. It was a wonderful time. Tyler was smitten by the baby and it was so precious to see him with her. I so enjoyed sitting back and watching all my kids and their spouses and fiance interact, laughing, teasing, remembering. We went through all our family photos and a few choice videos. What a riot!! Things that seemed boring and uneventful way back when are now hysterical and interesting to us. Our videos of Meg provided tons of laughter and delight. She was so cute and funny without meaning to be. I often just watched the kids enjoying one another's company and I was overwhelmed many times at how kind God has been to me. Not only do I have four children, but they are all serving God. I am aware that it is His work in their lives that has brought such delight to me. He has shown favor to me when I least deserve it and He has chosen to give good gifts when I deserve punishment. Amazing. My heart is filled to the brim with emotions from my Savior. He not only saved me, but then chose to bless me. How can it be?
Life has had it's bumps and bruises and many delights and in the good moments it is easy to state that the lines are drawn in pleasant places for me, but the Word is truth and even in the greatest difficulty and trial I still must declare that I am in a good place. He never changes and whatever comes my way has passed His throne first, so all that occurs is ordained by my Savior to be the very best thing for me. Oh, I can rest there knowing He is good and when I struggle to believe it, I can recall to mind blessings like the one this weekend was to me, to help me believe.