Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last night I went to see "The Blind Side." It was great! I was challenged to think about how I live in this suburban lifestyle I have come to be so comfortable with. This has been a theme this past year in my heart. I find myself desiring to let go of the things of this world and live more for the World that will be my home for much longer than this earth ever will be. I remember someone likening Heaven to an airport. You are just passing through, it has a purpose but you are not at your final destination so don't expect it to feel like home. Anyway, as I watched the movie, I felt the stirring again. I was aware that though I was in "unplug" mode, God was not and He was stirring away. I found myself being challenged to think about what I would have done in the situation Sandra Bullock was in. Am I willing to care for strangers and open my home to those in need? Do I sacrifice my own comfort or conveniences for the sake of someone else? Would I be willing to part with earthly things for the benefit of others, not just give out of my surplus, but really sacrifice and do without so that someone else doesn't have to? How far am I willing to allow God to use me? My path in life doesn't seem to bring me to places where people are in great need, after all, I live in Frisco, Texas, but I am convinced that is only how it seems. I am sure that if I were to really look I could find many who are needing something I can offer. I am not sure what God is up to here, but I know I want to be found faithful. While I live here I want to have my gaze on the Kingdom that will not fade , making sure that I don't miss the opportunity to entertain angels unaware.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Here is the run down of our crazy life. We took some time to go to Denver in August to attend Marybeth Longtine's wedding. While we were there we spent some time at a condo in Breckenridge. Did I already blog about that trip? I don't think so, if I did skip ahead...anyway. Steve and Janis met us in the mountains for a few days of fun and wonderful conversation. It was not enough time to talk about all I wanted to, but a true gift from God just the same. Then, when they left for home, Fred and I had a couple of days of relaxing together before we headed to Tyler and Mindy's house. Once we were back in Denver we hit the ground running. We were busy, busy and then we watched in awe as beautiful Marybeth vowed to love Ben for her whole life! What a privilege to watch. We have known MB since she was 2. Feel like she is one of ours. After all the festivities it was home again.

In coming home, we began a crazy schedule where we had committed to something 5 out of the 7 days of the week. We are in nonstop mode!! One thing we added was the Dave Ramsey class. (Actually, I now dropped out, but Fred is continuing.) It has been great and I recommend everyone take it. I also had the pleasure of going to Phoenix in Sept. for 5 days. It was great to see Janis AGAIN!! We shopped and ate and laughed and cried and just thanked God for the gift of friendships!

Then, in October, I went to Minneapolis, see earlier blog, and now I am staying home until Erin's baby comes,which is very soon now!!!

This weekend Meg gets her wisdom teeth pulled and my mother in law and sisters in law come to visit!!!!!

Looking forward..the new baby is due in 11 days! Thanksgiving will be very traditional here including the girls tradition of Black Friday shopping! Annie will have her first birthday and then Tyler and Mindy come for Christmas!!

Ok, now that we are caught up we can dig in next time!!

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