Sunday, June 29, 2008

Well, this weekend turned out to be filled with fun. Friday night we went to Fred's softball game and our team, Grace Church Crush, won the game. I enjoyed going and cheering the team on and catching up with all sorts of people from our church. It was hot though. I will enjoy the games that are later in the evening more!!

Then, on Saturday, I slept till 8 and then just hung around in pj's till about 2. The only one of us that was dressed or productive was Freddie boy. I think the only reason I did get dressed was because a friend needed to come use our computer. But, then the real fun began. Meg had asked us to go to a Hot Air Balloon Festival with her. We were going to go up for a launch and a glow. So, we piled in our car, Tim, Callie, Hosannie, Fred and I. Off we went to Celina (Meg, Rob and ALyssa were meeting us.) Low and behold, we got all the way to Celina only to encounter a severe thunderstorm that, we later learned on the news, wiped out the festival!! SO, we headed back south and landed at Chicago St. Pizzaria. We ordered our deep dish and sat down to wait the 40 minutes for it to bake. We played a card game and just had fun. Then the great pizza came and away went the cards. After that we headed to DQ and then to a lake for a walk. We walked in the rain around the lake and enjoyed one another. (notice Callie's little tummy) (Tim looks so excited!!)

Today we got to go to church and then hang out with our friends Rob, Paul, Mark and Jonathan. We had them over for dinner, golf, wiffle ball, dessert and Indiana Jones. When we began this weekend we did not have any plans. But, the weekend surprised me and was fun after all!! Isn't God kind?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have been thinking lately that it is important to define our roles from the Bible. For instances, I am a wife, therefore I should go to the Bible and see what it says about the role of the wife. There are many phrases the Bible uses to describe our roles, again as example, a wife is also called a helper, a helpmate, a love, a keeper of the home etc. There are many roles in our lives and our roles change as do our seasons. I am now starting to be considered an "older woman" (not sure what I think about that!!). Anyway, I was thinking about my role(s) in life and asking God to help me define what my role is in this season. As always, He is faithful to answer. In my quiet time today I read a verse that made my heart leap. I found a new role in the Bible, one I have never seen before!!! One I am excited to fulfill!!I was so thrilled and so sure it was God speaking to me. I had found a new purpose for my life!! So, if any of you ladies are struggling to know what God might have for you, I encourage you to read 2 Kings 22:14 and see if this might be something God has for you too. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Vice on Ice

The girls got me hooked on Starbuck's Iced Non Fat Double Shot. I could have several a day! Have you tried it yet? I am usually a Sugar free something, nonfat latte girl, but this has taken it's place! Now I am just wondering how to fund my need!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing much!

Well, it has been a week since my last post and not too much is going on. We have gone to the pool everyday and enjoyed it so much. I walk over relax, cool off and walk home. I don't know how people survive the Texas heat without a pool. I am grateful we have one so close.

This weekend was fun and filled with activity. I got to be with my friend Holly 3 times in a few days. A rare treat! We also went to an outdoor concert with our care group and I thought it was so fun to be there. The weather was perfect as we listened to some local talent. Afterward, we headed over to the baseball fields and watch some 14 year old boys play their last game of the season.

We had guests for dinner on Saturday night and Sunday night. Both were nice nights.

One thing that has been on my mind lately is the cost of discipleship and the cost of proclaiming the Gospel. Though I know there are many costs the one I have felt the most lately is saying good-bye and being far from ones you love so much. Both Callie and Erin are facing a sad goodbye with girls they have each come to love here in Dallas. On Saturday morning I broke down and cried and told Fred I didn't want the girls to have to feel the sting of giving up your friends and why couldn't we be called to a church that never changes?? Of course, he very gently reminded me of all we have been given and how God has been so kind and that we wouldn't want to be anywhere else and that the girls have been taught that this life is not always easy, but God is always good. I rebounded quickly and repented of my tantrum, but I must confess, apart from hanging out with Jesus, my next favorite thing about Heaven is there will be no goodbyes!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety Jog

Well, we are home again, this time from Cleveland. The city where Fred and I met, were married and had our four children. It was such a great weekend. It started out with hanging out at Mom's and Fred helped with some chores around the house while Mom and I got manicures and pedicures!! Then we had an evening at Robin's (Fred's oldest sister) hanging out on the deck, having yummy ribs with margaritas and then walking to Malley's Ice Cream Shoppe, a childhood favorite for both Fred and I. The walk was encumbered by the fact that I was often thrown into a web by Spiderman (aka Owen Shaw). Thankfully, I remembered my own super powers and was able to escape.

Saturday we had a brunch at Mary's (Fred's other older sister) and we got to see our the bride, Hannah Marie. Everyone was busy eating and getting all beautiful for the wedding. It was so nice and I was so grateful we got to be a part of it.

Then, Robin, Callie, Meg and I went shopping for a bit and then off to the wedding. I was undone at the wedding as I was able to see the faithfulness of God in Hannah's life and the lives of her sisters. These girls are absolutely amazing! You can see the handiwork of God is all of them.

Sunday was a walk in the Metro Parks. It was so beautiful and also a place full of memories for Fred and I. Much of the trip was spent telling our kids about this person or that person or pointing out were we used to play, ride our bikes, where our friends lived, we saw our childhood homes, etc. etc. I think the kids thought we were rambling, I think we were too!!! ha ha ha

We also were able to attend Becca's graduation. The Commencement Ceremony was very moving and Becca sang a song she wrote for her fellow classmates. She did an outstanding job. I was so proud of her.

The weekend held so much more than this. It was great to be with Fred's family and hang out. It was great to see the places where much of our lives took place. It was incredible to be a part of Hannah's big day. It was moving to see old friends and hear about the goodness of God in their lives. It was fun to help Mom with chores. It was great to meet JP our new nephew and to meet Ryan Hannah's groom. It was a wonderful 5 days.

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