Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgivng Part 1

I don't have time to write about much this morning, but one of my joys this weekend is having the Lawlers and Tyler and Mindy here. It has been so great and I don't want them to go home!! Tyler and Mindy were also here a month ago and both then and now Violet has not really warmed up to Uncle Tyler. So, yesterday Tyler made a valiant effort to enter her world and win her heart. The pictures tell it all.....
He looks like a giant in the playhouse!!! His hard work paid off..Violet sat with him later that evening!!

More Thanksgiving updates later!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Been Tagged

I've been's my photo....

This great photo of Tim ,Callie and Meg :) was taken in Nov. 2004 at Grandma and Grandpa Payne's house. It was Thanksgiving, Katy Korday had just called and said she was engaged!! Our family and the Payne's had spent the night there and had a wonderful holiday. Boy it seems long ago!!!!

Ok, I tag Jen Pazdur, Nancy Mandl, Lynette Myers, Michelle Tombrella and Christina Saull.
This is a Picture Tag and here's what the rules were:
Go to your Pictures file
Go to the 5th folder
Open the 5th picture and post it
Tag 5 people when you're done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Catch Up Time!

Violet's first kayak trip!

Well, the whole month is almost gone and I have barely thought about this blog. We started the month off with a camping trip to Lake Ray Roberts. The days were perfect and the nights were cold, which I think makes camping sort of fun. We took our kayaks with us and enjoyed a little spin! I am really looking forward to more time on the lakes here. We had a group that came and spent the nights with us and then a group that came to spend the day on Saturday. It was so fun to be out there and relax. I think we will be doing this more often!

Her thoughtful taste of chocolate

We are getting ready to have Tyler and Mindy come for Thanksgiving and the Lawler's (Mindy's family) are coming too! It has been since 2004 since all my kids were with us for Thanksgiving dinner, so I am really thrilled. I am also hoping that the turkey puts Callie into labor and the baby comes that weekend. I was in the hospital for 2 births on Thanksgiving, so maybe it is hereditary!!!

Christmas shopping is well under way. Since the baby is due in the first part of December, Callie called for all wish lists to be submitted early which got all of us going early. We are still doing our traditional Day after Thanksgiving early morning shopping trip, but I wont have much left by then.

Laughing at her silly Papa!!

Our church is doing a series entitled, "Think Big." It is on living for something greater than yourself. If you have time, download (click here)the podcast and give it a listen. Craig just did the first in the series on Sunday and it was excellent. Our care group is growing and I love the people we have in it. The girls all seem to really enjoy one another and I am looking forward to building friendships with them.

Violet continues to be a complete delight to all of us. I get to have here on Wednesdays and I enjoy every minute of the day. I love hearing her call me when she wakes up or when she needs a treat!! (a healthy one of course) I go by "Mimi" but she calls me Mimia! So cute! Erin used to call me Mommia, so it must be in the genes. I can only imagine how much fun it will be to have 2 grandkids! (or more T & M)!!!

Well, I better get to my devotions. I used the online audio chronological ESV Bible plan (click here.) The guy reads the Word to me and I read along. It helps me to concentrate better. Well, recently, they must have fired the guy they use to have and they got a new guy. So, one morning I begin to listen and it is a new voice!! It was so weird! I kept feeling like I was missing someone!! It was hard to follow along. I miss the old guy and to top it off, the new guy makes mistakes sometimes and does not use his voice to make it interesting! I wonder if they knew how much difficulty I would suffer by them getting rid of the old guy!!

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