Friday, June 01, 2007

Off We Go!!!!

Tomorrow my boyfriend and I will leave Frisco for a romantic get away. We are going to LaCantera in San Antonio. It is a resort owned by the Westin group. It has been a long time since the two of us slipped away, so we thought since it was our 25th anniversary this past week, we would continue the celebration and head to romantic San Antonio. (The place all good Texans go.) We will be there for 3 days enjoying the beautiful Texas hill country and one another. We have been recalling the years we have been together and all the things we have experienced that have shaped us and made us who we are, but more importantly, those experiences that have shown us who God is. What a faithful God we have. He has helped us through many difficult seasons and blessed us with many wonderful ones! We are humbled that the Lord has given us breath each day that we may serve him and enjoy him and have one another. For all you young marrieds that read this, the journey is worth it. The giving in and letting go, the swallowing of your pride again and again, the dying to your so called rights, the forbearing and overlooking, it is all worth it for the reward is so much greater than the cost. The reward is waking up each new day to someone who has worked hard to provide for you, out of love, someone who has seen your body grow and stretch and bear the reminders of that and still somehow thinks you are beautiful. Spending each day with someone that adds to your wrinkles because he make smile so much. The reward of sharing the joys of parenting and grandparenting and recounting all the stories that no one else will ever thing are special. Having a warm body to press your cold feet against. Having someone to lighten the load when it seems overbearing and to cheer you on when there is no way for him to help make it better. The reward is having a constant companion in the journey of discovering over and over what the cross really means and how it has saved me and someone to remind me of the Gospel when I fail to remind myself. The reward of knowing that if we honor God in our marriage we will reflect Christ and his love relationship with the church. I could write all night on the rewards of sticking it out, but you get the idea.

We will let you know what we discover in San Antonio, I know it is the birthplace of someone special!!


Mindy said...

Wow, the place you're going looks really cool! How fun! Your post was very encouraging too--it makes me even more excited to marry that wonderful, handsome son of yours.

erin said...

Happy Anniversa-wee!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a blast!!! You guys are a great example of marriage according to Scripture for me.

Thanks! Jen P

Callie said...

Who was born in San Antonio?

meg said...

you were cal. mom and dad secretly are there to clear up a "paperwork issue" with your birthparents. sorry you had to find out over the internet , but i know how you hate people seeing you cry.

Anonymous said...

Ya'all (is that Texan enough?) are too mushy for me. ooooeeeeeuuuuuu

Love you guys and happy anniversary.

P.S. We have more splendid places in CO than what I see in the photo. I think you really went somewhere here in CO and didn't tell anyone.

Callie, sorry about the news leak... Your mom told me that when I first met you.

Mindy said...

My cousin was born in San Antonio. Cal, maybe you'll meet her at the wedding, you'd probably have alot in common...good old Texas-birth memories.

Diane said...


It is official, you are ours now.


Callie said...

This is all happening so fast! My head is spinning! Am I even an American???


Anonymous said...

Hi callie! My mom was the one born in San Antonio. :) make sure to update us when you figure out what country you're from!:) hee hee Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

That was from me...

Anonymous said...


Ever wonder why your the shortest one in a family where everyone is tall???? Well, like your mom said - it's official. However, if you would like to compare 'green cards', let me know.
Love you and miss you so,

meg said...

callie why come you get all the comments on mom's blog? not fair.especially for an illegal alien or something..?

Unknown said...

I love you Megan. And I'm glad you aren't an alien or illegal...I think.

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