Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Words For The Wind

Our church is studying the Psalms this summer. It is absolutely wonderful. I can relate to the Psalmist so well. I read from Psalms everyday, it is my favorite book of the Bible. I also, listen to Piper each week and it just so happens that he is taking his church through the Psalms this summer, so I get a double dose of my favorite things. Kind of like having you a Sonic Diet Cherry Diet Coke and a Starbucks Non-Fat Double Shot in the same day!!

To top all that off, I believe God is working in my heart and teaching me more about grace. More about His compassion and care for me, more about how I am but dust and He knows it. I am seeing more and more weakness in myself and yet, I am not discouraged. I feel so sure that He has a way to help me and He will do the work in me. It is not about me doing it and getting it and perfecting it. It is all about Him, all of grace. My role is simply to follow Him, trust Him and obey Him. Here are some things I am learning…

This is a quote from John Piper that I have been thinking about…

“Do you think you that you can reprove words when the speech of a despairing man is wind?” Job 6:26

“What does that mean? That means please don’t be picky about my language when I am in pain. If I say “God why have you forgotten me?’ don’t lecture me on the fact that God never forgets His own, do that later. Don’t be picky with my language; it’s a wind word it’s going to be blown away. There will be plenty of time for you to see my life, that I am a true lover of God and I will stand with Him no matter what. I think that’s the point. If you care about people and you’ve got a robust theology of suffering and someone says something theologically inappropriate, let it go. It’s going to be blown away. A month later they are going to look back on these horrible moments and they are going to think “Good Night, I am glad God didn’t strike me dead.’ And He didn’t and you shouldn’t.”

I have become so aware of how often I feel like I need to have a solution to my weakness or sin and I need to give others a solution too. I have spoken too quickly to correct others when they are weak, instead of coming along side and just carrying them. In Job it reads, “No one spoke a word to him, for they saw his suffering was great” (ch. 1). Piper’s quote undid me. I was in tears as I have done that to others and had that done to me. I truly believe that, out of love for someone, I have spoken words that are true but not timely. Many times it is better to remain silent. There will be time later to adjust.

And then, we were at the pool recently and there was this dad with his son, about 6 years old. The boy was swimming the length of the pool and whenever he would come up for air the dad would scream “SWIM, SWIM.” The boy would barely get a breath and then go under again. A few times the child tried to hold onto his dad, he was exhausted, only to be met by more screams of “Get off of me and swim.” It was heartbreaking. I turned to Hosanna and told her “That is how I feel right now. I can’t even get a full breath before I have to go back and swim.” Well, the lesson had just begun. I have come to see that it is not God screaming at me, He instead is saying “Are you weary? Float, rest, breath, let me carry you.”

Again, it is all about God working and doing. It is not about me and all I can do. He is my everything and the changer and sustainer of my being. He will accomplish His desire in me.

If you have time, listen to the teaching by Eric Hughes that we heard this past Sunday at Grace Church and then go to Pipers' website and listen to June 1, 2008. They are both so excellent!

P.S. I am not excusing sin or saying we don’t need to be responsible for ourselves. I am, also, not saying we should not correct one another in love. I am just saying that for me, I want to move more by grace and less by rules and trust that God will work in me and in those around me and it is not up to me to fix it all in my life or in anyone else's.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Let's Close Out This Week!

Wow, what a week! On Monday Meg had her tonsils out. Then on Wednesday, we had to end our fun with the Bensons since they had to go home. The day they were leaving Meg began to turn a bit south from her tonsillectomy. I figured she was just feeling the pain more now that all the anesthetics were out of her body. On Thursday she seem to rebound a bit and we also got the results from a biopsy that had looked "suspicious." Benign!! Thursday night she goes downhill again, hhmmm, should we be back at the hospital? She doesn't want to go, I am sooo tired I fall asleep watching a move (it is date night) and Fred decides he will be the night watchman so I can rest.(love that guy). Friday she rebounds again, but when the Dr. calls they say "Well, maybe she better come back. Well, maybe she is OK, but maybe she better come back. Okay, Let's try the new drugs and see how she is." Friday night goes well. We all sleep pretty well. Then today she went downhill fast. So, off we went to the ER and they were great. The doctor had called ahead so they were waiting for us. Meg was immediately seen and given new antibiotics for an infection, steroids for the swelling, morphine for the pain, something to stop the nausea and fluids for the dehydration. About an hour later they did all the same things again and then she was released! It was so smooth I knew the Lord was ahead of us. I think she may be on her way to really being better. If you think of her, please pray for her. She was supposed to begin her first job as a pedo dental assistant, obviously she won't be able to be there on Monday. We are hoping they will wait for her and not hire someone else, this practice is ideal for her.

Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow morning, the beginning of a new week. Eric Hughes is preaching at our church so it will be especially sweet to go tomorrow, though I always look forward to going to our church. I am looking forward to Meg feeling better, since they think the tonsils were the root of her being sick so much the past few years. I am looking forward to a nice night of sleep!! Thanks for praying for us. We are grateful.

I am re-reading "Trusting God" by Bridges. So helpful at this time!! I'll leave you with this quote, "Because He has a plan for you, and because no one can thwart that plan, you too can have hope and courage. You, too, can trust God...There are no contingencies with God. Our unexpected, forced change of plans is a part of His plan. God is never surprised: never caught off guard; never frustrated by unexpected developments."

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Oh So Fun

It is a tradition to do something exciting whenever we are with some of our friends. So, when Jim and Linda came to visit us on a last minute trip, we knew we had to come up with something good. We couldn't rent snow mobiles, go skiing, play in the ocean or go ice skating so we decided to go rent some wave runners. We took Meg with us, since we had been promising her that we would take her soon. It was so fun and sort of scary. Anyway, you can see Linda was a bit scared, she was praying before she even got going!!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Jamie and Dan

Two weeks ago Jamie and Dan came to visit us. We had fun just hanging around and laughing. It was a delight getting to know Dan and watch his gentle care of our dear Jamie. He is a gentle, wise man. He cares very well for Jamie, very tenderly. We loved him. Of course, Jamie kept us laughing all weekend! We can't wait to see them (and the rest of the Smith Fam and Jen, Ryan and Isaac) at the wedding in August.

The picture sums up our weekend. (just for you Nanc)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

You know You're Old When...

You go to Target to buy clothespins and 3 different employees have no idea what they are???!!.....

You go to Dairy Queen, ask for a crunch cone and the employee doesn't know what that is???!!...

You go to the grocery store and realize they don't make Bundt cake mixes one knows what it is??!!!....

I better just stay home

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