Wow, what a week! On Monday Meg had her tonsils out. Then on Wednesday, we had to end our fun with the Bensons since they had to go home. The day they were leaving Meg began to turn a bit south from her tonsillectomy. I figured she was just feeling the pain more now that all the anesthetics were out of her body. On Thursday she seem to rebound a bit and we also got the results from a biopsy that had looked "suspicious." Benign!! Thursday night she goes downhill again, hhmmm, should we be back at the hospital? She doesn't want to go, I am sooo tired I fall asleep watching a move (it is date night) and Fred decides he will be the night watchman so I can rest.(love that guy). Friday she rebounds again, but when the Dr. calls they say "Well, maybe she better come back. Well, maybe she is OK, but maybe she better come back. Okay, Let's try the new drugs and see how she is." Friday night goes well. We all sleep pretty well. Then today she went downhill fast. So, off we went to the ER and they were great. The doctor had called ahead so they were waiting for us. Meg was immediately seen and given new antibiotics for an infection, steroids for the swelling, morphine for the pain, something to stop the nausea and fluids for the dehydration. About an hour later they did all the same things again and then she was released! It was so smooth I knew the Lord was ahead of us. I think she may be on her way to really being better. If you think of her, please pray for her. She was supposed to begin her first job as a pedo dental assistant, obviously she won't be able to be there on Monday. We are hoping they will wait for her and not hire someone else, this practice is ideal for her.
Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow morning, the beginning of a new week. Eric Hughes is preaching at our church so it will be especially sweet to go tomorrow, though I always look forward to going to our church. I am looking forward to Meg feeling better, since they think the tonsils were the root of her being sick so much the past few years. I am looking forward to a nice night of sleep!! Thanks for praying for us. We are grateful.
I am re-reading "Trusting God" by Bridges. So helpful at this time!! I'll leave you with this quote, "Because He has a plan for you, and because no one can thwart that plan, you too can have hope and courage. You, too, can trust God...There are no contingencies with God. Our unexpected, forced change of plans is a part of His plan. God is never surprised: never caught off guard; never frustrated by unexpected developments."
I am glad to hear Meg is on the upswing, and you are feeling hopeful. We are praying!- Beth
continuing to pray for Megan. And I so appreciate the Bridges quote too! Love and prayers w/ you all.
It was really good to see you at church. I didnt get to talk to you, but I was wondering how Meg was doing. After reading your blog I would like to say you are a champ for even making it to church today. I am praying for you guys. I hope you get a wonderful nights sleep tonight.
I'm so sorry to hear about the rough week you'all had, but I'm glad that Megan is doing better. We will pray for Megan to recover now with no complications and that she will feel better than she has in a long time. We'll also pray about her job. Thank you for your blog and letting us know what's going on at the Shaw's. We love being able to pray for you. Tracy
oh my goodness...that girl is such a trooper as are her fabulous parents. thanks for the update and I am praying for all of you.
so glad meg is feeling better.
and OH how i wish i could come hear eric preach!!!!
and WOW WOW WOW on the quote. i love that. so true.
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