Thursday, March 17, 2011

As the day comes to a close I am sitting on my back porch listening to the crickets and to someone's chime sing me a lullaby. Today we thought we might hear some news about a child we want but probably won't get. We didn't hear anything yet about him. So, for tonight, I grab my gratitude journal and write.....(I am grateful for..) His timing, that He knows, the cool night breeze, the back porch, daughters who hang with me, orange smoothies, wheelbarrow rides, Bible study, friends who check on me, "I love you"s, anticipation of corporate prayer, safe arrivals, and of course, bright hope for tomorrow. Thanks for praying for us, we need it.


Laura said...

I love you and I love your faith. You are an inspiration and example to me in many ways. Even though we havent spoken in a while, I want you to know you have been in my thoughts and prayers. We need to catch up when you have time. I miss you friend!

Laura said...

I love you and I love your faith. You are an inspiration and example for me in so many ways. Even though we havent spoken in a while, know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. We need to catch up when you have some time. I miss you friend.

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