Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Glorious Attempts

"Some causes are so worthy, it is glorious just to make the attempt. Some causes are so worthy it is glorious just to be a part of them. Some causes are so worthy it is glorious just to be counted among those who sacrificed. The Gospel is so worthy it is glorious just to make the attempt."

These words were spoken by Dave Harvey last weekend at our church, They have rung in my head for 10 days now. I am being provoked to examine my life with these words. Even just making the attempt to live a Gospel centered life is glorious in the sight of God. My efforts are seen by Him and He is honored by my heart's desire to try to glorify Him. Paul valued the Gospel above seeing the fruit of the Gospel. So often we will not get to see the fruit of our labor, but we should labor fastidiously none the less. God sees. We should be making great attempts to apply the grace of the Gospel daily. How often do we not do something because we don't think we will do it well? How often do we withhold sharing the Gospel because we are afraid we won't be able to be clear enough or there isn't enough time or we won't remember where the scriptures are?

How often I have been derailed from trying by my own legalistic beliefs that God will only find pleasure in me if I do it all right. How freeing to know now that even my feeble attempts to bring the Gospel or my attempts at making sacrifices for the kingdom, is by His grace, is glorious to Him. I am motivated to attempt more and, I know, with that will come some victories and some shortcomings, but I guess if I am going to go down, I would rather it be that I fell while I was trying to honor God and trying to proclaim His Gospel rather than my failure being that I never tried.


Wendy said...

It was great to see you this weekend Diane. I can only give high praise to God for the work he is doing in your church. It is amazing to be around Robyn and the kids and see such peace. I knew she would be well cared for and it is just wonderful to see the confirmation.

I was checking blogs while listening to a message on my ipod so when I saw your blog I just laughed...I just finished listening to that very message! How timely. I am going to be pondering that for days I am sure, as well as the message from Sunday. WOW!! For me it is very refreshing.

I didn't get a chance to ask how Megan was doing, but did try to scout out gluten free shopping stores down there. Are there any?
Hope she is doing well. Take care
And maybe I will see you in May!

Jody said...

Can't wait to get the chance to listen! Thanks for the post!

Michelle said...

Amen sister! How true and how easily and quickly forgotten in my legalistic tendencies. Thanks for the encouragement...I needed that! I miss you tons!

Anonymous said...

Just copied it to a CD so I can listen during my commute. When is a good time to call you these day? I miss you.

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