Wednesday, July 02, 2008

You know You're Old When...

You go to Target to buy clothespins and 3 different employees have no idea what they are???!!.....

You go to Dairy Queen, ask for a crunch cone and the employee doesn't know what that is???!!...

You go to the grocery store and realize they don't make Bundt cake mixes one knows what it is??!!!....

I better just stay home


Please Pay Cashier said...

HAHA!! Mrs. Shaw you are not old, everyone else is just too young to know something in life! :)

Mindy said...

What's a crunch cone? Aren't they all crunchy? ;-)

Diane said...

A crunch cone is a dairy queen ice cream cone dip in this stuff that is sweet and crunchy.. yum bad you will never get to have one.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of any of the above...there really is an age differance. C.Rickards

Diane said...

Cynthia, Is it your 58th this year?

Jody said...

wow, Diane there must be that unique age gap between Cynthia and us, that makes us know about clothespins and bundtcake mixes! ;)
I had forgotten all about the crunch cone deal, but they really were a standard offering for a time here too. I am glad you didn't ask if there were any 8-tracks around or anything though!
I remember when a Target deal on candy bars was regularly 10 for $1.
Now you've made me hungry for that old bundt cake mix that was chocolate w/ the white coconut filling tunnel running through it.

Nettester71 said...

I know what all of those are and feel your pain. Have you noticed that Mister Misty's are now called Arctic Rushes.

I was talking to my nephews the other day about records they thought I was talking about a CD or DVD. My oldest nephew is 6. And then my Logan asked me to hit select when I put in the VHS as he wanted to pick his scene....DVD generation.

Mindy said...

Oh and if it makes you feel better, I do know what clothespins and bundt cakes are...I still use them both. I guess I'm old fashioned or something...;-)

Christina said...

They don't make bundt cakes any more!? That's horrible... and, it must be in the Tuff genes, but I knew what all those things are. It doesn't make you old :)

Anonymous said...

Diane, what are you talking about??? Bundt cakes?? Clothes pins - do they hurt the clothing? Crunch cones?? How can one eat a cone that's been crunched??? You Americans.......

Kay L.

wendy said...

ooooooh CRUNCH CONES! there is NO dairy queen anywhere near us. how can that BE in the third largest city in the country?????

and BUNDT can use the regular mix. i CANNOT for the life if me make a two layer cake. they end up all lopsided and awful. BUNDT CAKES ROCK!

(plus there's always left over frosting that you can eat right from the carton). hee hee

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