Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Remember the Wonderous Works He has Done" 1 Chronicles 16:12

I woke this morning at 4 am to a horrible headache. They come in the night and make me want to puke. I was laying there thinking how it hurt too much to get up and get some medicine and then I said out loud "Please God, take it away. I can't take it. This week has been hard enough!" I got up, took a pill, drank coffee, had Fred rub my head and by 7:30 it was gone. But, the discouragement wasn't. This past week my stomach hasn't been doing well again, hard to keep any food in me and my dizziness has been worse. I have battled feeling overwhelmed as the Dr. says "I am not sure how to help you."

I began my morning with checking out some blogs. Then I come to one I check each week. A young family with a 6 year old who has brain cancer. I am leveled. My issues become light and momentary. My "suffering" becomes just an inconvenience. In light of what others are facing today, I have a great lot in life. In light of what has been already done for me, what more do I need?? I begin to thank God for so much. I start with my kids. They all love God. That alone is mind boggling. Then, I recall my life just 2 years ago, almost every night sitting by Meg's bed as her body seized and we prayed. She has now had only 3 or 4 seizures this year! A miracle and an act of grace. I recall the news of infertility and then I watch a video of Violet and Augie laughing...tears pour down my face...miracles. I look at Annie with cupcake all over her face and can't help but laugh at her exuberance for life and I hear her voice in my head yelling "ullo....Mimi I here!" I watched videos of Jack that Mindy sent this week, I watch them for the 100th time and cry as he coos and smiles at his Mama. Leveled that I would complain of a headache when I have been given so much.

It is so easy to see what I don't have. So easy to want something else. So easy to think God has overlooked a "need." For me, the medicine I need is to recall. To look back and recall all that He HAS done. To speak thanks for everything I have and everything I have experienced. To speak aloud the mercies of God. I am making a list today of where I see His kindness and keeping it close at hand. I choose, by the power of the Holy Spirit to be content and grateful, whatever my lot, that my soul will be joyful and content.

"Contentment comes by comparing what we have to what our sins deserve." Dave Harvey

1 comment:

abbey said...

this was very encouraging to read Diane! thank you for sharing how the Lord is working in your heart. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues..i'll pray for you!

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