Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Psalm 27

"Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!" Ps 27:14. This seems to be our song lately. We are waiting. Waiting. Waiting. We spoke with our agency today, we are being included in a staffing on a girl. (that means all the people involved with her are considering us for her family) We need to hear from the Lord. It is hard to try to discern His will. I was so unprepared for this step of the journey. The unknown, the waiting, the wondering...and yet isn't that what these kids have endured for years??? My few months is nothing. So I let my heart take courage and I wait. Fred is amazing through this all. So, steady, so sure of God's good plan.

It seems that the Lord so desires for me to press in and learn to trust when the way is not showing itself to be clear to me. To trust Him that He is active even when things seem dormant. Psalm 1 is a great reminder of the seasons God has for us, all necessary and yet some seem so dead. There are many things that have burdened my heart lately and there seems to be no resolution for any of them, again, I must wait and trust. Trust that He is so good and so kind and so aware of my life and my heart and my longings. Trust that when things seem confusing and unclear that that is only my view, not God's. It is good for me to have to continue to pray and ask my Father for things, it is good to be reminded of my utter dependence on Him. To wake in the morning and run to Him and beg for His action. Oh, how He loves for us to come and beseech HIm and trust Him with child-like faith. Yes, I must run to Him often and request and trust.

Please continue to pray for us as we proceed. We need God's wisdom as we decide on this child. He must lead us. We are lost without Him.

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