Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The 4th of July

Holidays!! I love them. Birthdays, Christmas, 4th of July! I love them all and look forward to each celebration. I specifically remember one 4th of July in Virginia Beach. We had taken the kids to Mount Trashmore, as we always did. As we were walking back to the car we were singing Patriotic songs and having fun. Tyler then asked me what the big deal was that we became independent. As I began the history lesson I was moved by the greatest freedom we have living in the United States of America...our right to worship God. I shared with him the wonderful gift we have to worship the true and living God and not be persecuted for it. We can proclaim God's truths and hear the preached Word and not fear that we will be tortured or have our children taken away. As we continued to walk I began to weep. Why, in the sovereign will of God, did I get to live here? I was overwhelmed by the kindness of God in my life. I am sure that my little boy heard much more than he cared to on that day, but hopefully he will remember that we need to set aside a time each year to remember the freedoms we have. We are warned in scripture not to forget all that He has done for us. So, on this 4th of July eat watermelon and flag colored jello. wear red, white and blue clothes, gather with family and friends and see the fireworks, but most of all let's all remember to ponder the very freedoms we are celebrating and give thanks to the One who made them possible. Happy 4th!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said, my dear. Amen!

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