Monday, November 26, 2007

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a quieter holiday for the Shaws than the usual Thansgiving, but I think it was perfect. We began the morning with a yummy breakfast with our girls and their families and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, we always have the parade on, and of course we peruse the newspaper ads for good deals. In the afternoon Fred, Meg, Dru, Erin, Violet and myself headed to our friends the Bailey's and Callie and Tim joined the Payne family. Of course we all ate too much.
Then it was back to or house for a gathering of friends for some football watching, dessert eating and the final plans for our traditional Black Friday shopping spree. It is funny because on Thanksgiving night no one feels like getting up early and going shopping, but the next day we are so glad we did. So, Friday morn we were out the door at 5:30 to make the kill. Meg couldn't join us since she has Mono, so it was just Erin, Callie and we roped Lori Ann Bailey into our memory making tradition!! It was worth the sleep we gave up!!

Then we celebrated Erin's birthday over lunch on Friday. We had turkey sandwiches and gluten free cupcakes that were so good!!!Then Saturday evening we got to see Jon and Lory Payne and their sweet baby Ellie. It was so fun to be with the Paynes and have all their kids there. I am sure Erin will post pictures of Ellie and Violet meeting!! Sunday was a quiet recovering day, more football (once again the Broncos disappoint us) and to bed early as we have a full week ahead.
As the weekend closed I went to bed with gratitude that though this year has been a bit more challenging than others, we still have much to thank God for. He has dealt bountifully with us and it is good medicine to recount those dealings each night. But of all the wonderful blessings I have on this earth I am truly most thankful for the gift of salvation God has given me and the family I have to share that with. If I am given nothing else in this earth, the treasure that my children are all serving God is the most tremendous gift I could ever receive. I am aware that it is all of grace and all His doing. He has been so good to me.


Katie Virginia said...

Love you guys and miss you tons! One of these days we're coming out there.. I always check the Dallas fares :)

Mindy said...

What about "listening to Tyler and Mindy sound like lions, but enjoying their good looks"? You forgot that wonderful part of your weekend! ;-)

Jody said...

What fun pictures, and indeed, we as moms have in the words of 3 John 1:4 "no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"! How thankful we are for all He has done, is doing and will yet do! Love and prayers with you all!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time! It makes me miss you all more though! I'm very thankful for you, sweet friend!

Mindy said...

Ooohh...I see we have a countdown! Fun!

Katherine M. said...

Diane, Know that we are praying for you and your family. I love the picture of Violet and you. Precious. Please keep us posted of current updates and prayer request. Lots of love---

Nettester71 said...


It was great to read about your family and I am so thrilled for you that you do have a family that loves the Lord. It make the holidays and ever day so much more enjoyable.

I know I appreciate my family so much more since getting married.

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