Monday, January 12, 2009

Just Wait!

That has been the theme since the beginning of this year. It seems that every morning the Lord is reminding me to wait on Him. In my pride, I usually think I should do something about situations that don't seem right or situations I don't like. (notice these are situations I thing need to change, not the Lord). Like maybe I should mention them to someone involved..or someone not involved...or maybe I should fix it or share my keen insight and then surely it will be fixed...or maybe I should encourage someone along in something so it all happens quicker, after all isn't sooner better than later? I am amazed at how fast my mind works to "figure out" how to get things to go how I think they should, yet I can't remember where I slipped my keys! Yet, even with all my wisdom :) the Lord tells me to WAIT!

If you have known me very long you know that I am not one to relax and let things go. Sitting still is hard for me, I don't even like to sit through a movie. But, it would seem those days are ending. I think the Lord is really after me to just wait on Him in everything do, but especially in the areas that are bothering me that I want to somehow fix. It is so funny because I know I really can't change the things that mean the most to me, but I am so tempted to try.

Yet, each morning the Lord has told me to wait. Wait for him to do it all. Wait for him to accomplish His purpose in my life and those around me. Wait for strength. Wait for deliverance. Wait for resolution and an end to contempt. Wait for His action. Wait and sit back and watch Him work His amazing, perfect will. Wait in anticipation of the wonderful things He has for us. Wait with joy. This is all so hard for me, but I so want to do it right and honor the Lord and I can so look back and see how my trying to make things better often doesn't. Ultimately, it comes down to who do I trust? Myself or my amazing God who reigns over every single situation and circumstance and never allows anything to thwart His will for me? (the answer sounds so obvious, but is so hard) Anyway, that is the beginning of my year. I sure would appreciate your prayers if I come to your mind. I really want to sit still and just trust God. And I really do look forward to seeing what He does this year in our lives!


Wendy said...
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Holly said...

Thanks Diane! That was encouraging. I needed to hear that.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone, my friend. Waiting is very unnatural - what is God up to????

Love you,

Tracy12 said...

Thank you for those encouraging words. It's so funny how often I think I am waiting upon the Lord only to have Him reveal my true heart. This has been a hard season for us, but it is one I wouldn't change because God is working on me and I need a lot of work. I will be praying for you especially when I find myself doing exactly what you're talking about - doing it my way and in my timing!

Wendy said...

Thanks Diane:-)

Unknown said...

Good word, dear friend....and timely for me! See, you ARE wise. :)
Love you, Cheryl

Jody said...

Thanks for the great reminder! Something God has sure been showing and reminding me of as well, and that I am definitely still growing in the good of! Love you all and miss you!

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