Sunday, May 03, 2009

It has been so long...and I still have very little to interest you with. I will fill you in on what has been going on and then you will agree.

We did go to Denver for Easter. I was great having all of our kids and grandkids together for a few days. We just hung around for 4 days at Tyler and Mindy's house and they feed us! Mindy did an incredible job in the food prep arena and stayg relaxed as we trash her home and even pulled off an amazing Easter feast. The time went way too fast and then we had to say goodbye again..I hate that part of loving people so much. I hate being so far away from them.

Fred and I drove to Denver. We were making our way along just fine except that I was complaining about the lack of bathrooms along the route we took. (If you know me you know this is important!! haha) We finally came to a rest area that looked from the untrained eye to be just fine....until we got closer....there were signs posted reading "Warning, Beware of Snakes!!!" I decided that I am never drinking anything in the car ever again and then we will never need to stop! I, also, decided at that point that I like flying better. I flew home.

The rest of the month has been quiet. We are busy with our care group that has grown to be quite large now. Meg is going back to school in the fall. Fred is busy making our back yard gorgeous and it really is so beautiful. Violet comes regularly to entertain us and play in the yard. Annie is just so sweet. She had really become her own little person, making noises, laughing etc. The girls are so cute..just go to Erin and Callie's blogs to confirm.

We went camping with some families from our church and it was wonderful. We camped up at a lake close to home and got to kayak a bit though it was windy on the water and you really had to work hard. The weather was perfect camping weather, warm during the day and cool at night. Next time I will remember to close all the valves on the air mattress and I bet we will like it even better :).

We are looking forward to a DC trip for a wedding and then down to Virginia Beach for another wedding. Then, to Colorado for the long awaited wedding of Mary Beth Longtine! It will be fun to be able to attend all of these occasions and celebrate with these girls that we love so much. Meg will be with us for all of them, which is always a treat for me as she is busy and I often don't get to see her as much as I would like.

Ok, now that you now agree that my life is lacking in interest, I will end. I hope to have something exciting to write about soon!! :)


Christina said...

DC, eh? When are y'all going to be here? Our weekends are insane between now and mid-July (I can't believe I'm to a point in my life where I am booked solid for two months!), but maybe we can grab lunch or dinner?

Michelle said...

That wasn't boring...MY life is boring. And you can write about your b-day in a few days...;) Miss you; glad to be home; let's catch up soon!

Nettester71 said...

That was interesting to me. I have wondered what you have been up to. Thanks for the update. I smiled when I read that you flew home.

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