Monday, February 13, 2006

So, another exciting weekend passed and I still have very little to tell you. Everyone who reads this knows we had 3 showings on Sat., but no calls as of noon today. So, I get to wait some more.

One thing that is new that (hope you don't all get jealous) my figure is definitely taken on a more "womanly" shape. You know they say men like curves, so I am excelling at making Fred happy. I now have a nice "curve" hanging over the top of my jeans! I weigh more now than I have in 5 years! Now, it wasn't really the thing I was looking to accomplish, but who am I to argue with my Creator, does the clay argue with the potter???

Other than that..Nothing new. Oh yeah, I forgot, Linda sent great ideas for swimsuits this year. You know hanging at the pool will be a big pastime for this Texas Girl (words of faith) so I am looking for ideas on apparel. Check out this items, Jen you may want to think about one for the honeymoon! Go to Remember, function and modesty should be our biggest decision makers when shopping for swimsuits!

Well, off to check email and see if anyone did the Sudoku in the paper today!!


Anonymous said...

I'm a little bit offened that you would support this kind of website. It's like only a little bit more appropriate than posting a link the the Victoria Secret catalog. Maybe you should think about the kind of message you are sending. Where I come from, women have the decency to swim in tarps.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost certain that comment was from Jamie~!

Diane said...

What is with the "anonymous?" If you have something to say, you should just say it and be bod about it, not speak your mind and hide behind anonymity! Who are you???

Anonymous said...

Those who live in glass houses should't throw stones.

Anonymous said...

Unlike others who thought it distastful, I am so impressed with your swimsuit referral. I know it would bless my husband immensely if he saw me in one of those, especially the way it would enhance my back side. Those of us with more "womanly figures", as Diane noted earlier, would do well to consider ourselves proud of those figure alterations and show them off as best as we can. These suits are just the ticket!
"Mother of seven, with figure to prove it"

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