Saturday, December 29, 2007

What Are You Doing This Year?

I know I haven't posted about Christmas, but my girls have and so you can hear about it from their blogs. As I was looking to the New Year, I was thinking about my devotions and what I was going to do this year. Last year I used NavPress's Bible Reading plan to read through in a year. It was fine, I didn't get through the whole thing, but I that was not my goal. I wondered though, what are some things you have used that you liked or what are you planning to use this year? Is there anything new and intriguing out there? Also, is there anything you used that you did not care for? Hurry and answer as the New Year is almost here and I like starting right away :).

Also, what are some goals and plans you have for the New Year? I need to drop 10 pounds (I love the Fat Smash Diet) and exercise regularly and get my home in better order. I have a plan set for all of those thing. I know they are not lofty goals, but that is where I am at this year. 2007 took the wind out of our sails and we are just getting back up.

Lastly, on January 7th, Meg will be admitted to the hospital to begin a process of trying to find out what part of her brain the epilepsy effects and to figure out what else is going on in her body. Please pray that she will have many seizures while we are there so that they can see what occurs and please pray for a diagnosis of the other neurological issues that she is struggling with. She needs to stay for a while, anywhere from 3 to 14 days. They said most stay 5 days. This testing will be taxing to her body, but will help in the long run. I will keep you updated while we are there, if there is anything to report.

Well, Happy New Year! As we look back we are aware of all we have to be grateful for. All He has done and given and forgiven. I am indeed a debtor to mercy alone.


The Troyer Family said...

D- I just started thinking about all the things that you have mentioned in your post! I purchased the book "For The Love Of God" and I am going to try to stick with that as far as by bible reading plan. It was written by D.A Carson. You probably have that one though. What is the "Fat Smash" diet? How was your time with Tyler and Mindy? Happy New Year!

Jody said...

Sounded like a wonderful Christmas! Praying for Meg and the upcoming tests.

I used the reading plan in Vols. 1 and 2 in For The Love of God the last few years, and loved it and felt like it was definitely a fruitful tool for me. I am kind of where you are on praying thru the things for the new year--devotions included---and am at the moment leaning toward a very SLOW walk through the gospels beginning in John, with some Psalms and Proverbs reading added to that. Still thinking thru though as will miss the consistency of being in the O.T. and N.T. at the same time, but if x-ref back thinking that might still keep that element too.

Right there with you w/ the need to reset exercise and home goals too!

Love and prayers for a blessed New Year!

Katherine M. said...

Dear Diane, We will be praying for Megan and your family. We've had those years where I felt like circumstances took the wind out of our sails. I pray God will refresh and strengthen you all.
I've recently saw the video on utube on Katy V's blog of scenes from the Passion set to a worship song by Hillsong. As a result, I plan to revisit Scripture and books on the cross.
We miss and love you guys and hope and for a wonderful, blessed new year.

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