Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Relentless Grace

Since the middle of January, our church (Grace Church of Frisco), has been in a series on the relentless grace of God. We are studying the the book of Genesis, the lives of the patriarchs. Over and over we are seeing how, regardless of human failure, God's grace triumphs and accomplishes the will of God. Every week the main message is the same and yet every week I am freshly aware of God's grace as if it is all new to me. Week after week I am awed that in spite of me, God's will will continue to be accomplished in my life and the lives of others and even my sin will not thwart His plan.

Here are 2 thoughts I have meditated on that were in my notes:
"No sin can stop the grace of God. He works through the sinful choices of man. The way of God will not be explained, it is to make us marvel at God's plan."
"God uses sinful man to fulfill His redemptive purpose. Mercy triumphs over sin."

My thinking says "You erred and so now things will not go according to the good plan of God."
God's character says "I knew you would sin, my will goes forth in spite of it. I am good and powerful and I will have my way."

God's grace IS relentless (persistent, never ceasing). He never stops working and acting on our behalf. He knows we are frail and weak and yet, He still delights to carry about His good plan for us. Isn't it so reassuring to know that we are not as powerful as we thought and we don't have to rely on our own successes and isn't it comforting to be reminded of how incredibly amazing God's grace is?


Jordan Family said...

Thank you for sharing. Very encouraging!

Mindy said...

I loved the sermon from that series that Craig preached when I was there. Thanks for sharing---I was actually just thinking about your post this morning!

Anonymous said...

Di, you have so encouraged my heart as I ceaselessly pray for the 'fallen runners'- yes, His grace far supercedes anything we could ever imagine. This past weekend at GCC was living proof of how powerful and kind He is.


Anonymous said...

I have been listening to those messages, wishing I was there live, and they have been so encouraging! "God uses unpromising people to fulfill His promises!" Love it!!

Rebekah Hanson

Michelle said...

Amen sister...amen!

Jody said...

Wonderful post, Diane! Thanks!

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