Saturday, February 12, 2011

Adoption Update

We are now done with all of our training (less one class I need to make up) and our home study is completed and now submitted to the person who will be working to match us to a child. So, as of Monday we are cleared to begin with the process of finding the girl God has for us. This is so exciting to us and yet a bit scary. We really feel our need for God to speak to us and lead us to who He has already planned for us to love. We need your prayers!!! Actually, more than that, we need an army of enlisted prayer warriors; people willing to support us in prayer over the lengthy course of time and an ever-changing list of items for which we will desperately need God to reveal himself. Please consider committing yourself to prayer on behalf of one of "the least of these". At the present time,
Please pray-
1. that God would sovereignly work to bring His perfect choice to our family
1. that we would sense the Holy Spirits prompts as we bumble our way through this
2. that we would walk in boldness and not fear
3. that our new daughters heart would be softened to the Gospel
4. that our hearts would fill with love for her very fast

Fred will also be posting on my blog now. :) You will enjoy that! We will be using the blog as our main source of communicating what is happening with the adoption.

Thanks for supporting us and praying for us. We need you!


Unknown said...

Praying with and for your family....for your list. Holy Spirit, I pray for Your clear leading in days ahead, for clarity and affirmation, for unity. I pray for this new daughter that You would open her heart to receive Your love through the Shaw family.

Mare said...

seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, only ask and it shall be given. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

peace, love, clarity, confidence, faith.


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