Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Day 3

Good morning from the holy child (since they are yet to find anything wrong with me)
After staying awake all day yesterday they let me sleep from 2am-6am. I thought they were the nicest people. Until Speaker Mama wakes me up and continues to do so every 13 seconds until she's convinced i'm not still sleeping even with my eyes open. I thought about setting traps for them around the room for when they come in, but those technology addicts can watch my every move so what's the point in trying to surprise them? I also thought about running into the bathroom and just sleeping in the tub. That one's still an option...
I'm also thinking about getting my video camera out and recording them every time they come in.
So this morning my mom woke up sick. Thinking it might be an infection of some sort, and since she's in a lot of pain, she left to go to the doctor. Pray for her if you will.. she's in a lot of pain and pretty exhausted after being awake for so long with me.
Today I'll be awake all day (or so they think) and if something happens i'm pretty sure they'll let me sleep through the night tonight. Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement. I'm blown away by how thoughtful everyone has been!


Mindy said...

Oh holy child. If you were holy, you'd be more cooperative. ;-) I wish I were there---we'd give them some entertainment to watch. We've always been good at acting for the camera. Speaking of entertainment...perhaps you've heard---our toilet overflowed while we were at work and we had a pool party of sorts. You would have loved it, considering you've always dreamed of flooding a basement to go swimming. I blame Tyler. I'm sure you agree. I love you---call me if you're bored. I'm just working! ;-)

erin said...

You need Ocean's 11. They are good at hacking into those camera monitors. Or Ferris Bueler, he made a pretty good dummy to be sick in bed for him while he went out galavanting (sp?).

Jody said...

praying for you, Meg...and I know you will think of something hysterical to do to keep you occupied while waiting and sleepless....pretend Mindy and the girls are there w/ you and carry on conversations and antics w/ them, as though they were maybe? That should entertain your observers and you! :) Praying for your mom too---keep us posted on how both of you are doing!

Callie said...

I shall dress up as you and when I come up there tomorrow, we shall make the switch. You can go sleep in my car and I shall lie in the hospital bed. And I shall bring Kona to "get rid" of any snoopy nurses.

hosanna said...

glad to hear you are alive and kicking...just sorry you have to go through all of this. but just think of all the memories you are making and stories you are living and will one day be able to tell your grandchildren...i just hope you don't get alzheimers... see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is all just a joke and you will be on Candid Camera some day - I guess I just dated myself - I think it is called Punked or Just for Laughs now! Aunt Barb

Katie Virginia said...

I give you permission to use my special talen to entertain your observers :)

hosanna said... share...what is your special talent?

meg said...

cal- good idea. bring some extra wires and glue. and as for "that heart.monitor.beeping..and phone" i knew you'd come for me miguel!
i'm so grateful you have finally given me permission to carry on your legion. can you send me a copy of the lyrics sometime so i can sing our song too?

Barbara said...

Meg...what's the scoop on your mom?

Katie Virginia said...

maybe if you're lucky, I'll show you sometime Hosanna!

Meg, what was it???
Save a moment, Save a life...? haha! good memories :)

love you girl!

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