Tuesday, January 15, 2008


For some reason, I woke this morning missing Colorado. Maybe it was reading a blog about Breckenridge or maybe it is that I am still a bit tired from last week, but I woke up missing our life there. I love my life here in Texas, I love having my girls near, my church and the friends we are building with. I am full of hope for the future and I don't want to be anywhere else. I guess I miss those who have embedded themselves deep in my heart and now live so far away. I miss my boy and him slamming the front door every time he came home and wore his shoes up the stairs as I would remind it to take them off. I miss the friends who knew me deeply and therefore would know what I needed whether it was a spanking or a run to Target. I miss Jenny not being near and I hate that I haven't met Isaac yet and I won't be able to see every little accomplishment. I miss the blue, blue sky and the mountains as I entered the neighborhood from the east. I miss how my husband loved the weather and how he would go ski for the day all by himself because he loved being out there so much.

It is amazing how good God has been to us that I can say that in each season and in each place, our life has been very full and rich and I have so much to be grateful for. Each place we have every lived holds ones that we love so much and holds so many special memories for us. That gives me such hope for the future. Like the hymn reads "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow." Someday, we will go on another church plant to some other city and I will cry because I am missing Frisco, Texas! Kind of ironic!


Nettester71 said...


I love seeing your heart in this one. Your longing and your contentment. What a lovely picture our our relationship with Jesus. We are content knowing we are in His hand but we long for more of Him and our real home.

Miss seeing your smiling face and I agree about missing Jenny and not having met Isaac. The web does help some.

Anonymous said...

I miss you.....and am longing for our 'real'home. So good to see your blog up and running again.
Love you, my friend,

Beth said...

Love you!

Mindy said...

I know how you could fix that... ;-) Oh and you should be pleased to know that he's quit slamming doors and keeping his shoes on--mostly!

Jen said...

I can't wait to see you my friend!!! I miss you too.. and you made me cry.

Solange said...

Well Diane, I am so Happy you are here in Frisco. You have been a huge blessing for me. You are a great example of how to be a Godly wife. God has impacted my heart by you. Love you

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I love life in Barbados (what is not to love, besides no Starbucks, Borders or HGTV) but my heart is still in Tampa, even though a big chunk is in Alexandria and Beale AFB. Bloom where He plants you..heck when I get to Heaven I will probably still be missing Hyde Park and Bella's Restaurant. I wonder if St. Micahel knows how to make Mezza Luna.

Life at the Mandl's said...

I miss Colorado too! I miss the big sky, all my friends and all the shopping places. However I am so thankful for this church and new friends. So glad for his mercy and his kindness to place us here. Although, He could of placed us closer to the Shaw's. I am thankful for your friendship! Miss you!

Unknown said...

I don't miss Denver, but I DO miss you! Think of you often and continue to pray for Meg. Think of me as I sit here in my Zuba pants missing my dear friend! :)

Ronda said...

Funny - you aren't the only one missing Colorado; at least the "warm" memories we have of the state and all our friends!

I miss you, too!

And I am freezing in Atlanta. It snowed the past few days. Go figure. Maybe God is blessing us with a taste of home. :)

Love you all-

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